Friday, July 11, 2008

I went to an Alicia Keys concert on Tuesday night. Having gotten on the tube home with as much of the population of the arena as could reasonably fit into the carriage, I resigned myself to standing for most of the way home, as did many other people, and put my iPod earphones in. Given the number of people in the carriage, people were pretty much standing everywhere, and there was a rather boisterous lot of middle-aged women standing near the doors.

The train stopped for a bit between stations for no apparent reason. Suddenly, I heard a man's distinctly Caribbean accent come over the speakers:

"Do not lean against the doors. I will cancel this train, you hear me?"

If that's not a truly Onion-Sauce! moment, I don't know what is.


Snake Anthony said...

I know this dude. He has said this before. Several times.

Young Thos. said...

I've had similar experiences with two other tube drivers as well - but people I speak to seem to find this uncommon. Maybe I just have a knack for being on these trains.

Blue Floppy Hat said...

It does remind me of yelling teachers making threats- except those didn't have Caribbean accents :)

Young Thos. said...

I don't know why I seem to keep running into tube drivers who think they're primary-school teachers: I've run into one other driver who did the same thing as the guy in this post (except without the Caribbean accent), one who threatened to take the train out of service if anyone held the doors open again, and one who gave the entire train a lecture at about 11:45 p.m. which went as follows:

"We are being held up because of a suspect package on an earlier train. This is a package one of your fellow passengers left. We tell you time and time and time again: TAKE YOUR PERSONAL BELONGINGS WITH YOU when you get off the train! How hard is it to do this?"